Pos机手续费多少取决于pos机的费率,目前有25元、35元的封顶机、使用刷卡机收款,银行每笔收取0.50元的手续费,一般银行是不会直接按照你的刷卡收入来代扣税金的,因为你可能还有现金收款的收入。 如果你们不是定税企业的话(就是无论销售多少,都是按照一个恒定的数额收取税金),通常商业零售企业的增值税税率4%,另外要缴纳城建税(增值税额的5%左右)和教育费附加(增值税额的4%左右)。
To calculate the sum of 0.69 and 3 with a fee rate, you need to first determine the fee amount by multiplying the fee rate (expressed as a decimal) by the sum of 0.69 and 3. Then, add the fee amount to the initial sum.
Let's assume the fee rate is 0.05, which is equivalent to 5%.
Step 1: Calculate the fee amount:
Fee amount = fee rate * (0.69 + 3)
Fee amount = 0.05 * (0.69 + 3)
Fee amount = 0.05 * 3.69
Fee amount = 0.1845
Step 2: Add the fee amount to the initial sum:
Sum with fee = 0.69 + 3 + fee amount
Sum with fee = 0.69 + 3 + 0.1845
Sum with fee = 4.8745
So, the sum of 0.69 and 3 with a fee rate of 0.05 is 4.8745.
我们需要计算0.69加上3的费率,即0.69+3%。 已知费率为:0.03 已知数值为:0.69 根据公式:
x = 数值 \times 费率
0.69 \times 0.03 = 0.0207
0.69×0.03=0.0207 所以,0.69加上3%的费率,结果为0.0207。
according to的to是什么词性?
according to 是介词短语,to这里是介词。意思是根据,按照。
比如:we will do it according to your request 。我们将按照你的要求去做。